Opening Night of the Living Dead
720 W Lodi Ave
Lodi, CA 95240

The Details
Changing Faces Theater Company presents the world-premiere play
Opening Night of the Living Dead, written by Jacob Inman (In Lieu of Flowers, Send Wine)
Directed by Mike Bartram and Sabrina Willis-Bartram
October 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, and 21 at 7:30 PM
Doors open at 7 PM
Tickets: $19.63 in advance on Eventbrite, $25 at the door
Rated PG-13 for drug and alcohol references, zombie gore, and sexual references. Please do not bring small children.
Changing Faces Theater Company invites you to peek behind the curtain to see that opening a new play can kill you. As a tyrannical director attempts to wrangle a bickering cast and ill-equipped crew, you can imagine how the sudden onset of a zombie apocalypse complicates matters. Laugh and scream along to this world-premiere horror comedy because no matter what, the show must go on in Opening Night of the Living Dead.
Date(s): Saturday October 14, 2023
Upcoming Dates for Event:
7:00 pm - Saturday, October 14
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