Sandhill Cranes @ Woodbridge Ecological Reserve

Woodbridge Ecological Reserve
(Eisenberg Sandhill Crane Reserve)
7730 W Woodbridge Rd
Lodi, CA 95242
Sandhill Crane_Wings Open in Water_Photo Credit to Richard Hurd

The Details

This reserve in the Stockton Delta wetlands provides California’s largest area of freshwater marsh wintering habitat. The majestic sandhill crane, along with geese, swans, and many other birds, are featured here. Family-oriented tours are available during the Sandhill Crane wintering season, which runs from late September through late February.

Visit Website


Woodbridge Ecological Reserve
(Eisenberg Sandhill Crane Reserve)
7730 W Woodbridge Rd
Lodi, CA 95242
Get Directions


(209) 234-3435

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